The COURSE, 5 Keys to Living well with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
As an integrative rheumatologist with more than 23 years of caring for people with rheumatoid arthritis, my aim is to champion a whole-person approach to health and reducing inflammation.
In my bestseller Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller’s Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine, I write of how physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual factors interact with one another for a deeper understanding of each individual as a unique entity.
I truly believe in honoring the body, mind, and spirit of my patients.

...your course lifts one above the victim mentality to the position of viewing ourselves as the outcome of Love, our source. You remind us of who we truly are and provide tools to support our understanding.
C.M. Massachusetts, USA
In Rheumatoid Relief course, Dr. Nisha Manek has condensed her wealth of knowledge spanning Rheumatology, Physics, and Spirituality into a delightfully practical, highly original, and easy-to-follow course that will likely deliver tremendous benefits to RA patients that extend far beyond just improvements to their physical symptoms.
C.P. Sydney, Australia
The course has strengthened my opinion that doctors need to take the time, (and really, insurance companies need to get this, too), and focus on this side/type (Subtle energies and Intention) of treatment for their patients. There is only one Dr. Nisha and she can’t see everyone so other doctors...take note!
T.G. Minnesota, USA
The course is power-packed and potent. I thank you sincerely for it. I always say that 'Truth has a sound'. We know it when we hear it.....This course has reminded me of the God of Me. Science has its place but Spirit IS the place from which I must operate.
P.G. Trinidad
About the Rheumatoid Relief Course:
I'm taking the power of human intention to another level in addressing the challenges of having RA. This course is designed for people like you who value top-notch innovative science and untold possibilities. Connect with the power that is already yours and move through a beautifully crafted course that will help provide the knowledge, inspiration, and skills you need to thrive with a diagnosis of RA. You already have what it takes to succeed and achieve mastery. The result is a profound connection of science and consciousness that leads to a shift in the understanding of your reality.
- The offer: Rheumatoid Relief is a 5-week course.
- What you’ll learn: Five keys to getting more energy that powers your body from the inside out to well-being.
- How It Works: Each week an online session with the key concept and supporting scientific evidence will be presented. You can take each class at your leisure.
Why Now?
- You have an expert rheumatologist on your side, one who understands the challenges of RA; you will be given insights for controlling inflammation that you implement immediately to impact your wellness.
- You leave the guesswork out and instead have information about key scientific aspects that nature has installed for the human body to function optimally.
- The feelings of clarity of action you take enable you to be confident and capable of taking charge of RA.
- You get insider knowledge of how all things fit together: body, mind, intention, and Spirituality while working with the most powerful laws in nature!
- You will build YOUR unique system for lifelong wellness. It’s personalized to you and you only. This course isn’t about cookie-cutter medicine.
- Leave the hamster wheel of never-ending uncertainty of your future well-being and take full charge of your body, mind and Spirit.
- This is a rare chance to empower yourself with information no physician can give you, that isn’t on the internet and could be a game-changer.